Site map
“Images” section
A set of neko icons for macOs X, and a M. Chat icon.
3D images about:
A penguin, a clearing, a calligraphic bird, eye surgery, a story about pigs, tubes, Euro and the French mail, IAAMOAC, a planet, an underground place, a snake…
Archive, old 3D images including:
Rapid Scare spaceship, ocean submarine images, Versailles test images, yet another spaceship
Architecture images:
CGE new building (1 - 2), Fast Hotel, Fencing hall, a university and its garden, a veranda, a dome.
The images and sites I created while working in different places and as a hobby.
Buttons created with CSS.
Two BetterHTMLExport templates to export iPhoto galleries with CSS layouts.
Idées ClairesA CD-rom about rugby, and another about forests, with a 3D clearing and some Quicktime VR scenes, a CD-rom about a company’s new building, 3D renderings of bus shelters and urban furniture. The online web sites.
ImagenceCalix the penguin: the bacterias, explanation of the safety measures and a close-up.
CeeOn 912 eye implant: the title scene, the implant scene 1 - scene 2 - scene 3 - scene 4 - scene 5 - scene 6, the end scene. A Quicktime movie of the title scene (570 Kb).
La Poste: Euro 2002: the title scene, the city, entering the post office, scenes with the customers scene 1 - scene 2 - scene 3, the mascot. Animations: City scene Quicktime movie (700 Kb). Mascot scene Quicktime movie (610 Kb).
Mon Bestiaire Ordinaire: a walk in a forest, along a path, meeting a wolf, arriving in a field peopled with poor, ill-fated pigs, but all ends well. Animations: Forest scene Quicktime movie (1.6 Mo). Forest and field scenes Mpg movie (3.3 Mo). Neon and kitchen scenes Quicktime movie (1.1 Mo) and Mpg movie (2.5 Mo)
KromFor Krom, a soccer CD-rom and Azimut, a cultural CD-rom.